The Goucher Student Health Center is a primary health care facility that provides comprehensive medical care for acute and stable chronic illnesses, preventative medical care, and health education services. The Student Health Center is not an urgent care center.
The center is located on the first floor of the main lobby of Heubeck Hall.
Appointments are strongly preferred as walk-ins appointments cannot always be accommodated. Please use the contact information below to make an appointment.
Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m, Monday-Friday when classes are in session (Fall & Spring Semesters)
Contact: or 410-337-6050 *Please note, the front desk is not staffed with a receptionist, so please leave a message and a member of the clinical staff will call you back as soon as possible.*
Medicat is used to submit your required health forms, message your provider in the Student Health Center, and to access their immunization records or test results.
Log in to Medicat Patient Portal
Appointments are strongly encouraged, as walk-ins cannot always be accommodated. To make an appointment or if you have a question for the nurse or nurse practitioner, email or call us. The front desk is not staffed full-time, so please leave a voicemail if no one answers, and we will call you back as soon as possible. If you have a question related to your health forms, please email
Please ensure you are on time for your appointments or call the office if you will be late. If you are more than 10 minutes late, we cannot guarantee you will get seen during the original appointment time.
Please note that there will be a $10 fee for students who do now show up for a scheduled appointment or if you are more than 10 minutes late to your appointment.
To schedule an appointment for counseling, please fill out their appointment request form or visit their website for more information.
All Goucher undergraduate and postbac pre-med students are eligible to use the Student Health Center. Students have unlimited office visits at no cost.
Patient confidentiality is important to us as well as to you. Your medical records will be seen only by those involved in providing care for you. Except in life-threatening situations, no information will be released without your oral/written permission.
You, the student, are our patient. Information we receive in the Student Health Center will not be released to your parents or other offices on the Goucher campus without your written consent.
Health services are offered to students on a confidential basis. The staff does not issue medical excuses from academic obligations. The Student Health Center staff do not excuse students from classes or academic work. If a student authorizes it, the staff will verify that a student has been treated at the Student Health Center.
Students who miss class because of illness or other emergencies should contact their faculty by e-mail as soon as possible to make the necessary arrangements to complete missed assignments. Faculty members who wish to verify that a student was treated at the Student Health Center may contact the health center staff.
In the event of a serious illness or injury requiring hospitalization or extended absence from classes the Dean of Students should be notified. The Dean's office will assist the student or their family in notifying the faculty.
Typical symptoms of Mpox start 3-17 days after exposure and can last two to four weeks.
The most common symptom is a rash or sores that can look like pimples or blisters,
which may appear all over the body or just in certain places, such as inside the mouth,
genitals, or anus. Some people also have flu-like respiratory symptoms, such as fever,
swollen lymph nodes, and muscle pain.
What can I do to reduce my risk of exposure?
What do I do if I have concerns regarding Mpox?
Please call or email the Student Health Center to speak with a member of our staff.
Testing for students with Mpox symptoms is available.
*Goucher College continues to closely monitor the CDC and local Health Department
websites for ongoing updates*
Acute and chronic general medical services are provided by our nurse practitioners. Consultations with and referral to appropriate specialists are available as needed.
Confidential testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases are available as is emergency contraception. Additionally, we offer comprehensive contraception options and confidential pregnancy testing to students.
Sensitive exams are performed with a chaperone.
The Student Health Center partners with Star Track from the University of Maryland to provide monthly free STI screenings (Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HIV) for Goucher college students in the Student Health Center. These screenings are processed without insurance involvement. Please see the Events calendar for dates.
General STI testing is available by appointment throughout the school year. We send these lab tests to LabCorp or Quest and they will bill your insurance directly. If you have a high deductible insurance plan, or prefer not to go through insurance, contact the Student Health Center for testing options.
Listed below are the sexual and gynecological health services offered at Goucher's Student Health Center. Where applicable, we've included links to information that we think will be valuable in enhancing your health care, education and decision making.
Annual gyn and breast exam and pap
Emergency contraception ($35, no appointment necessary)
Pregnancy testing
Treatment of gyn problems
Physical exams for sports, travel, pre-employment, or school can be scheduled with the Student Health Center nurse practitioners and are covered by the Student Health Insurance Plan. The cost of any elective physical without the student health insurance plan is $30.
Certain medical equipment is available such as crutches, ace bandages, and ice packs at a reasonable cost. The student health center has a wheelchair and two knee scooters available to rent (for students only).
The Student Health Center offers limited vaccinations on-site and partners with Safeway Pharmacy to offer annual flu shots and COVID-19 boosters. Check the Events calendar for details. Please see the Immunization Policy for more information about specific immunizations required by Goucher.
The Student Health Center keeps a small supply of prescription medications. For convenience, students may purchase medication prescribed by a Student Health Center provider in lieu of having to pick up a prescription at a pharmacy off-campus.
The Medical Transportation Program provides free transportation to non-emergency physical or mental health medical appointments through Uber. Please visit the Medical Assistance & Transport page for more information.
Please note: The online forms referenced below can be found in the Medicat Student Health Portal.
In order to provide the best possible medical care, Goucher requires each incoming first- year or transfer student to complete the following required forms. These forms are due in mid-July each year and are communicated to students by the Onboarding Team.
TB Screen (online form) - if a student screens high-risk, they must have their health care provider complete the Additional TB Testing form (PDF).
Physical Examination (PDF) – completed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant within one year prior to the enrollment date. Please use the form provided by Goucher College.
Immunization Record (PDF) – Goucher’s immunization requirements follow guidelines set by the American College Health Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Immunization requirements may vary from state to state; we therefore recommend that your health care provider review our form carefully, assess your status, and update your immunizations as needed to fulfill our requirements. Please see Goucher’s immunization policy for more information.
Insurance Form (PDF) – Goucher requires all incoming students to have adequate health insurance to cover their needs while at school. If your health insurance plan changes while you are a student, please update your Medicat account and submit a new form.
Student-athletes who are competing on an intercollegiate varsity athletic team are required to submit additional documentation, including what is listed above for all students.
NEW student-athletes (first year and transfer students)
Medical History Form (online form)
Acknowledgement of Risk/Consent to Treat (online form)
Sickle Cell Trait Information – this includes uploading results of your positive or negative test to your Medicat portal
Concussion Fact Sheet Acknowledgement (online form)
RETURNING student-athletes (if you were on a team last year)
Annual Student-Athlete Returner Form (online form)
Authorization for Release of Confidential Records and Information (PDF)
Authorization for Treatment of Minors - If you are under 18 years of age, you will need to download this form and have your parent/guardian sign it, then upload it to your Medicat account.
If you are seeking a vaccine exemption, you can download the exemption form from your Medicat account. Personal belief exemptions are not accepted. Medical and religious exemption forms must be accompanied by a letter from a physician/NP/PA or clergy member.
Goucher’s immunization requirements follow guidelines set by the American College Health Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Immunization requirements may vary from state to state; we therefore recommend that your health care provider review our form carefully, assess your status, and update your immunizations as needed to fulfill our requirements. Please see Goucher’s Immunization Policy for more information.
Please note, students who have not turned in vaccination records for the mandatory vaccines (MMR, tetanus, & meningitis) will not be permitted to move onto campus. Medical and religious exemption forms, which can be downloaded from your Medicat account, must be accompanied by a letter from a Physician/NP/PA or clergy member. Personal belief exemptions are not accepted.
State law requires that any individual enrolled in a Maryland institution of higher education who resides in on-campus housing must be vaccinated against meningococcal disease, or sign a waiver, which can be completed on the student’s Medicat account.